Public Procurement Abroad
Public procurement in the world
According to the World Bank, in 2016 public procurement accounted for about one fifth of gross domestic product. In most high-income countries, the purchase of goods and services accounted for one third of total public expenditure. And in less developed countries – even for a half! YOUR COMPANY MUST USE THIS OPPORTUNITY!
You no longer have to wonder how to start in a foreign tender. Take advantage of emerging opportunities in the world!
Your company has an interesting product or service and the Polish market is too small for you?
But are you afraid to try?
Do not know where to find information about tenders?
Do not know how to prepare for a foreign tender?
Do not know how to write an offer?
You do not have to worry anymore! Even if you are not the Polish company.
With us will succeed. We won dozens of orders.
You can choose to match your business – one, several or all of the following:
- Analysis of readiness of your company to benefit from foreign public tender opportunities.
- Constant review of public tenders that appear on selected markets around the world, tailored to the specificity and products of your business.
- Standard – weekly email with a list of tenders matching goods and services offered by your company.
- Managing correspondence with the contracting authority on your behalf to get more detailed information about your company’s selected tenders.
- Analysis of a given geographic market and/or sector, and/or competitors.
- Review of risks and benefits – supporting decision whether or not to participate in a particular tender.
- Suggestions of optimal bidding tactics.
- Supervision of the formal process of preparation of the offer – we guarantee 100% fulfilment of formal conditions if all our suggestions are fulfilled.
- Writing a part of the offer OR Supervising the creation of an offer by your people OR reading out and suggesting changes in the offer.
- Check if the entire offer fulfils requirements.
- Help or complete responsibility in preparing the graphical part of the offer.
Please contact us for more details on how you may benefit from foreign tender opportunities:
T: 0048 601 355 328
Skype: radopiontek
Interim Manager
Interim management is the temporary provision of management resources and skills. Interim management can be seen as the short-term assignment of a proven heavyweight interim executive manager to manage a period of transition, crisis or change within an organization. In this situation, a permanent role may be unnecessary or impossible to find on short notice. Additionally, there may be nobody internally who is suitable for, or available to take up, the position in question.
Interim Manager can be defined in Polish as a 'Manager for Special Tasks’ or a 'Temporary Manager’, a high-level specialist experienced in high-level positions in international corporations and institutions, hired to perform a specific process, project, or task within the company.
We offer I-Manager services in such tasks and needs as:
- Develop and implement new procedures and / or structures within the company.
- Analysis of communication style and introduction of new approach, rules and tools.
- Need to support a particular manager or department (e.g. in a difficult market situation or when entering new markets).
- Managing large projects that the company has not done so far.
- Solving a crisis situation, e.g. in a team or project.
- Difficult negotiations with very difficult the customer.
- Quick replacement of the absent manager (eg at the time of chronic illness).
- And others.
Companies are looking for IM when they need to carry out complex changes or projects, and in their ranks do not have the right person, or they need to look from the outside – a person not involved in the company’s internal affairs and not associated with it emotionally.
By employing our -Manager you can benefit from:
- Drawing on the expertise of an experienced manager, not only in the context of the changes made but also in the „continuous coaching” of the team and successor of IM.
- Acquiring a qualified person for the right time, without the need to train and implement a new employee – our IM has a sufficiently extensive experience.
- The ability to work with high-end managers, whose permanent employment is not yet possible for your company.
- Reduced amount of payments for salaries, in the long term.
Please contact us for more details on Interim Managers who may help you:
T: 0048 601 355 328
Skype: radopiontek
Lider – Primus inter pares [latin]
What does it mean to „be a leader”?
Leader in life so also at work. But not just at work, as is commonly believed.
Everyone can become a leader. Against family and friends and at work. For one it comes easier and the other must do a gigantic job. BUT – without the no-one became a good leader. No one. The process of „becoming” a leader takes a longer time. Like every process. It requires changes in thinking and in habits. But SATISFACTION from reaching the understanding of the role of leader, assimilating habits and applying appropriate behaviors is HUGE. Remember that this process will never end. And we offer you proven tools, behaviors developed over many years of team management and backed by optimized knowledge. Skilfully applied will lead you to such positive thinking and style of action!
Do not put off for some time. Start today.
According to legendary Jack Welch, the leader has five key attributes:
Positive energy – the ability to continue to work with vigor and optimistic attitude, both in good times and bad times.
- The ability to energise others – release their positive energy to reach the highest peaks.
- Decisiveness – the ability to tackle difficult issues, say „yes” or „no” and not just „can„.
- Talent to carry out tasks – just bring each action to an end.
- Passion – they deal with it, squeezes out sweat, they believe in it.
In order to learn how to lead your people, we have prepared the following trainings for you:
- ’How to set and achieve goals?’ [Based on 'Living Forward’]
- ’How to listen to hear and understand’ [based on 'Non-Violence Communication’]
- ’How to speak to a group and be understood?’ [Based on 'TED Talk’]
- ’How to be a good team skipper?’ [Institute of Leadership and Management, London, UK,]
If you want to take advantage of these trainings – contact us so that we can tailor them to your needs:
T: 0048 601 355 328
Skype: radopiontek
Our Values
We are people that are excited to hop from one problem to another solving them one by one.
We want to be the change we want to see in the world.
We are honest, open and direct in all conversations.
We promote that great ability to understand the challenges that others deal with, what they care about and how you can help them thrive to hit their goals and maximise their potential .
How well we adapt to change will determine how durable our success and success of our partners will be.
The obligation of an individual to account for his of her activities, accept responsibility for them and to disclose their results in a transparent manner.
By putting an emphasis on this value we are able to create an environment where people spend their time creating waves of productivity versus ripples.
Integrity is the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness.
Generosity is the principle that each member of the organization shares in the company’s success.
The term „a win-win situation” is overused in business, but the principle behind it — that both sides of a business transaction should come away feeling they have been treated fairly — is still a worthwhile value.
Pursuit of Excellence
It means trying to develop better products and services, to constantly improve customer satisfaction, to try to upgrade operational efficiency and the productivity of everyone in the organisation.
Innovators in business are constantly looking for emerging customer needs and designing best-in-class solutions to address those needs.
Concern for Employees’
Employees view their careers as more than a means of earning wages. They want to work for a company that truly cares about them.