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'It's The Climb.'

Radosław Piontek

Uwielbiam pracę bezpośrednio z ludźmi.

Pobudza we mnie energię, którą mam w sobie i daje mi pozytywne emocje, którą przekazują mi moi partnerzy. I nowe doświadczenia, które dzięki nim zdobywam.

Lubię trudne sytuacje wymagające budowania: nowej jakości /strategii / pomysłów / produktów / zespołów / reguł. Koncentruję się na poszukiwaniu nowych, czasem
nietypowych, rozwiązań problemów.

26 lat pracy przyniosło sporo wiedzy i doświadczeń: opracowanie strategii i misji firmy, zarządzanie firmą – najpierw kilkuosobową a później ponad 70-osobowym zespołem, rekrutacja, rozwój talentów.

Pomagam jako Trener

To Ty jesteś „gwiazdą” prowadzonych przeze mnie szkoleń. Moja rola polega na przekazaniu Tobie nowych wiedzy i umiejętności, i połączenia ich z tym co już wiesz i umiesz.

Teorię poczytasz w domu. Na szkoleniu zdobędziesz i przećwiczysz nową wiedzę.

I gwarantuję, że będziesz jej później używać!

Stworzyłem programy autorskie bazujące na popełnionych przez mnie błędach i zgromadzonych doświadczeniach:

> „Planuj marzenia” czyli jak codziennie żyć ciekawie i szczęśliwie.

> „Wystąpienia publiczne” czyli jak mówić do grupy ludzi.

> „Praca zespołowa” czyli jak połączyć wodę z ogniem.

> I kilka innych…


A dodatkowo:

Pomagam jako Mentor

Doświadczenie jest JEDYNYM I NAJLEPSZYM nauczycielem!

Jako Twój Mentor przekażę Ci doświadczenie i wiedzę niezbędną w Twojej sytuacji.

Zadam odpowiednie pytania i pokieruję Twoim rozwojem aż osiągniesz swój cel.

Zrozumiem Twoją sytuację bo sam już w niej byłem…

Pomagam jako Motywator

Słowo ma wielką moc!

Gdy bazuje na rzeczywistych doświadczeniach i wiedzy, i jest powiedziane z pasją. Słowo najmocniej działa gdy odpowiada na Twoje pytania, rozwiązuje wątpliwości, spełnia potrzeby, motywuje do działania.

> „Ja też mogę!” – Ty też dasz radę, tak jak Einstein, Obama czy Mela.

> „Dlaczego lepiej być szyją niż głową?” – porady dla kobiet walczących z „męskim światem”.

Pomagam jako Konsultant

Oferuję następujące produkty i usługi:

> Wykorzystanie pieniędzy dostępnycvh w Unii Europejskiej

> Strategia, misja i wizja

> Planowanie

> Komunikacja między ludźmi

> Zarządzanie projektem

> Zarządzanie i rozwój zespołu i jego talentów

> Pomoc techniczna: badania, dotacje, ewaluacje, polityki rozwojowe

Wykonywałem: badania społeczne, analiza, case study, ewaluacja… Fundusz dotacji, program rozwojowy, wniosek o dotację, prezentacja, zakres zadań, dokumentacja przetargowa…

W różnorodnych dziedzinach i tematykach: Polityka spójności UE, rozwój regionalny, Agenda Cyfrowa, współpraca transgraniczna, innowacyjność, rozwój MŚP, ebusiness, transport…

Tu znajdziesz przykłady rezultatów mojej pracy jako konsultanta – https://goo.gl/7DZ9gM


Działam wg następujących wartości:

Lista projektów [w wersji angielskiej]:

z kciukiem

Development of public sector activities, including development of offers in the international tenders [EU, UK, WB, etc.] concerning provision of IT / software development services – for the UK company.

Development of grant applications concerning innovative projects and submission to the EU programmes: Horizon 2020, Operational Programme Innovative Growth.

Project director in a project “Design of Communication Strategies and Development of Public Relations Skills” – focused on developing promotion strategy of the Romanian National Agency for Fiscal Administration. Financed by the World Bank and implemented within Revenue Administration Modernisation Project (RAMP) [October 2014 – November 2015].

Preparation of project appraisals to the European calls for proposals within: Horizon 2020 programme, EU Structural Funds in Poland [Operational Programme Intelligent Growth] for the Polish capital group of Internet companies [March 2015 – October 2015].

Senior Expert preparing Case study on co-ordination of implementation of infrastructure investment projects in Poland with use of the EU instruments, especially the Structural Funds [for the World Bank; February – May 2015].

Team Leader of ex-ante evaluation of the Romanian Operational Programme Competitiveness. The specific tasks included analysis of how the electronic systems prepared in Romania respond to the Regulation of the European Commission for the programming period 2014-2020 [February 2014 – October 2015].

Project Director in the project dedicated to “Advisory support to the MoF in preparing the functional and technical specifications for full packages of AFMIS and IPSIS solutions” in Albania [for the Albanian Ministry of Finance, financed by the World Bank; February 2014 – July 2015].

Wsparcie w przygotowaniu formatu i layout’u prezentacji biznesowej firmy specjalizującej się w badaniach marketingowych.

Trainer on e-business within the project “Virtual Highway” supporting development of e-business activities among the Ukrainian students [for the Polish Ministry for Foreign Affairs; March – October 2014].

Expert in ex-ante evaluation of draft of the Romanian Regional Operational Programme 2014-2020. The role included analysis of HR and administrative aspect of the ROP [for the Romanian Ministry of European Funds; February – November 2014].

Supervisor in implementation of multiple ESF projects. Expert in evaluation of the Romanian Partnership Agreement – this document of the Romanian Government constitutes the framework of the EU support to Romania during the years 2014-2020. The specific tasks included: i. analysis of how the electronic systems prepared in Romania respond to the Regulation of the European Commission for the programming period 2014-2020; ii. Analysis and evaluation of territorial development aspect [for the Romanian Ministry of European Funds; May 2013 – July 2014].

Author of the project and the Project Director in the E-business Competitiveness Improvement Project in Croatia, phase II, project contracted with use of PRAG rules as it has been financed within IPA programme; www.eposlovanje.com.hr [for the Croatian Ministry for Entrepreneurship and Crafts; January 2013 – November 2014].

Expert in evaluation of the CBC South-Baltic – “Evaluation of effectiveness of the CBC South Baltic Programme 2007-2013 and challenges and goals for the Programme within the years 2014-2020”. The evaluation concentrated on the achievements of the Programme within the current programming period and suggests the thematic scope for the next financial EU perspective (for the Polish Ministry of Infrastructure and Development; September 2012 – November 2012).

Expert in evaluation of the Romanian Operational Programme for Technical Assistance – aimed at improving the absorption capacity of the Programme. The evaluation included analysis of the best suitable for Romania examples of the projects implemented within similar Operational Programme in Poland. Specific responsibility for supervising quality of the analysis and reports (January 2012 – June 2012).

Author and Project Director in the E-business Competitiveness Improvement Project in Croatia, project contracted with use of PRAG rules as it has been financed within EU IPA programme. The responsibility included functional design of the project website – www.eposlovanje.eu (May 2010 – March 2012).

Expert in development of the Facebook game “Max Career” – the game was designed to support decision of teenagers concerning their future career and choice of relevant education they have to follow (2012; sold in 2014).

Team Leader of evaluation of the indicators used for monitoring of progress of all projects implemented within the Eastern Poland Operational Programme financed from the EU Structural Funds (for the Polish Ministry of Regional Development; February – May 2011).

Expert within the team providing technical assistance services to the World Bank office in Poland in preparation of the analysis and plan for selling the WB’s services and products to the Polish subnational governments (September 2009 – December 2009).

Designing of the winning proposal, supervision and monitoring of implementation of Lot 2 and Lot 3 of the NGO Fund financed from the Norwegian and EFTA Financial Mechanisms in Poland – ECORYS acts as the first and only private operator of the grants (dedicated to the Polish NGOs; www.funduszngo.pl) financed from the public funds; 23 million euro; 15 persons team (January 2007 – December 2011).

Evaluation for the Polish Ministry for Regional Development concerning impact of the Structural Funds implementation on the situation in the Polish construction sector (2008).

Design of monitoring system with indicators allowing monitoring of wastewater-related projects financed from the Structural Funds, for the Polish Ministry for Regional Development, for the current and N+3 programming period (March 2008 – July 2008).

Team Leader in the research project proposing the first Polish methodology for benchmarking of the technological parks in Poland (for the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development, http://en.parp.gov.pl; January 2008 – April 2008).

Director of the Project / Monitoring and Evaluation Key Expert within the 18-months training project on e-business for SMEs and representatives of the regional and local self-governments in Poland, for 3500 persons throughout Poland. Design of the project implementation replying to the national needs, management of team of 20 persons. The project was financed from the European Social Fund (May 2006 – December 2007).

Research project assessing implementation of Structural Funds in their current organisational, financial structure and absorption capacity in Poland on achievement of Lisbon Agenda goals (June 2007 – October 2007).

Evaluation of the Sectoral Operational Programme „Improvement of the Competitiveness of Enterprises, years 2004-2006” which was financed from Structural Funds within that programming period; carried out evaluations on the absorption capacity of the programme (May 2007 – August 2007).

Team Leader of analysis and evaluation of results of the project financed from the European Regional Development Fund “eGdańsk – the Europe and metropoly online” (June 2007).

Member of the team assisting the town of Łódź in preparation of the project for the European Regional Development Fund concerning implementation of innovation strategy (May 2007).

Expert within the Polish part of an in-depth analysis of the Central-European housing market for the European Investment Bank (April 2007 – May 2007).

Co-author of the research analysis and evaluation of Poland’s innovative potential for the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education (November 2006 – February 2007).

Ex-ante evaluation of the Operational Programme for the South Baltic, to be financed within 2007-2013 programming and extended till N+3 periods. During the evaluation an evaluation of the monitoring system has been completed with recommendations for improvements proposed (2007).

Author and Director of the project “InnoMazovia” – supporting, among others, development of the regional innovation strategy as well as building closer links between the private sector and research institutions in Mazowieckie region in Poland (financed within the European Union Structural Funds. The responsibility included design of the website and database functionalities [archived website – http://innomazovia.ecorys.pl] (October 2005 – December 2006).

Team Leader within evaluation of implementation of the Sectoral Operational Programme „Improvement of the Competitiveness of Enterprises, years 2004-2006” (concerning 2004-2006 programming period of the EU Structural Funds; for the Polish Ministry for Regional Development). Supervisor of implementation of 'Phare Interim Evaluation” – project dedicated to evaluation of all on-going programmes financed by Phare programme within the period November 2004 – October 2006, (1,1 mln Euro).

Co-author of the project structure, supervision and monitoring of implementation of Seed Money Fund – grant scheme for NGOs – financed by the EFTA Funds through Brussels’ Financial Mechanisms Office. Quality expert and supervisor within “Ex-ante evaluation of the Technical Assistance Operational Programme” (the TA OP financed within the European Regional Development Fund) for the Ministry for Regional Development. Quality control. Preparation of final conclusions and recommendations [109800 zł; May – July 2006].

Supervisor of the project – Interim Evaluation of the Phare and Transition Facility Programmes in Estonia. Technical Assistance to the Croatian Authorities in preparation of the documents for implementation of the ISPA programme – establishment of the internal procedures of the Croatian Ministry for Foreign Affairs and European Integration (May, October 2005).

Project Co-ordinator of the Polish part of the World Bank infoDev research and evaluation project concerning use of ICT in the private sector companies in 5 Central and Eastern Europe Countries (January 2005 – July 2005).

Team Leader within evaluation of implementation of the Sectoral Operational Programme „Improvement of the Competitiveness of Enterprises, years 2004-2006” (concerning 2004-2006 programming period of the EU Structural Funds; for the Polish Ministry for Regional Development; June 2005 – September 2005).

Quality expert and supervisor within “Ex-ante evaluation of the Technical Assistance Operational Programme” (the TA OP financed within the European Regional Development Fund) for the Ministry for Regional Development (March 2005 – June 2005).

Project Director in the first evaluation of the Structural Funds’ projects in Poland – in infrastructure (health and education) projects financed within the Structural Funds in Poland (within Integrated Regional Development Programme, March – July 2005).

Expert in the Polish part of the analysis on the Polish Housing and Mortgage realised on request of the IFC (March – April 2004).

Trainer in the training on Phare procurement procedures for representatives of the Polish police Headquarters (January 2003). Short-term expert within the EBRD project focused on development of the Warsaw metro through PPP mechanisms and eventually the Structural Funds (financed from the ERDF). Team Leader and Co-ordinator in the technical assistance project supporting the Crossborder Co-operation Implementing Authority in supervision in supervision of the Small Infrastructure Project Funds at the Polish Eastern Border (4 Euroregions bordering with: Russia, Lithuania, Belarus Ukraine and Slovakia), including trainings to ca. 40 beneficiaries. The assignment incorporated training of beneficiaries on the EU procedures for running the projects as well as evaluation of results of completed investment projects (October 2003 – October 2004).

Expert in the research activities dedicated to evaluating possibilities for Phare financing for development of industrial and technology parks from remaining Phare programmes (December 2003 – February 2004). Team Leader in providing technical assistance on development of technological park in Łódź (second largest town in Poland) using the Structural Funds and based on the example of Manchester Technological Park. The project included organisation of training to various social and business partner from Łódź town (May 2003).

Team Leader in 5 technical assistance projects for the Delegation of the European Commission in Poland concerning monitoring of implementation of various tenders with use of the Practical Guide and projects within ISPA as well as Phare Economic and Social Cohesion programmes (especially monitoring of the infrastructure projects 2002-2003).

Team Leader in 2 pre-accession projects (Phare 2001 – value of 1 089 673 euro; and 2002 – value of 2 447 418 euro) Human Resource Development projects in Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodship (region) in Poland involving research on the labour market needs (including SMEs), trainings (for more than 6000 persons) and organisation of the grant scheme for the vocational schools, with a requirement and emphasis on maintaining gender and minorities equal treatment.

Evaluator in 'Evaluation of Municipal Co-operation for Development’ concerning the Dutch support to twinning cooperation among municipalities. This co-operation was dedicated to development of the civic society through joint Polish-Dutch actions of municipalities and NGOs (October 2002 – February 2003).

Business consulting, analysis, development, legal advice, team management and training on development of corporate portal for SMEs of BRE Bank S.A (among top 10 banks in Poland). Evaluation of the results of the new portal.

Supervision and consulting on modernisation of the Website of the CBC Implementing Authority in Poland concerning mainly the regional development activities of the Crossborder Cooperation programmes, specifically on the Western Polish border – www.wwpwp.gov.pl [website not existing any longer as the client changed the domain and layout].

Management and supervision of 6 separate teams of 30 persons implementing various Internet and software projects for Elektrim S.A.

Drafting of programmes and projects to be financed by the EU in Poland. Assessment of impact of individual projects, schemes and whole a/m programmes. Provision of training and seminars on various issues linked with the European integration.

Management and monitoring of implementation of programmes by the Polish agencies and ministries: financial commitments, implementation of programmes and individual projects, disbursements and cash-flow situation of the programmes and their individual projects. All those activities were implemented within over 20 Phare programmes of total amount exceeding 300 million Ecu/Euro. The programmes were implemented within the following sectors:

  • Regional development programmes: STRUDER, PL9207, with 87,8 mln euro budget; RAPID, PL9509; STRUDER 2 and INRED programmes; containing: TA components to the development of public administration on local and regional levels, grant schemes for infrastructure projects of municipalities, grant schemes and advisory services for the SMEs, guarantee fund for SMEs.ü
  • Cross-border co-operation programmes between Poland, Germany and Baltic Sea region countries (CBC 1994 and 1995), which supported development of various types of “soft projects” and “hard” infrastructure projects of the municipalities and NGOs in Western and Northern provinces of Poland.
  • Technical assistance programmes supporting development of the Small and medium size enterprises sector in Poland (PL9001, PL9011, PL9109, STEP 1).
  • Municipal development – Municipal Development Agency – support to a state owned Agency established for developing new standards and introducing changes of the public administration managing the Polish towns (PL9410);
  • Tourism in Poland (TOURIN 2 and 3 programmes; TOURIN 3 incorporated a grant scheme for touristic SMEs);

Member of the team programming Flood Programme following the tragic floods, which destroyed the country in summer 1997. The programme was unique in its character as it covered both the basic needs of the population as well as the large infrastructure needs (rebuilding of damaged buildings and installations, construction of new modern dykes).

Preparation of strategic long-term vision documents, programmes and projects (including project fiches), based on assessment of needs and requirements, including those of acquis communautaire. Drafting programmes (Financing Memorandum and Memorandum of Understanding) in co-operation with the Polish ministerial counterparts. Evaluation of proposed projects. Monitoring of financial commitments, implementation of programmes and individual projects, disbursements and cash-flow situation of the programmes – all within the Phare procurement rules. Evaluation/assessment of impact of individual projects, schemes and whole a/m programmes.

Membership of the national think-tanks, representing the European Commission:

  • “Task Force for Structural Policy in Poland” elaborating basis for development of Government’s structural policy for the country (led by prof Hausner; 1998);
  • “Task Force for Regional Development” (led by prof Hausner; 1997) preparing strategy for creation and implementation of the regional development policy in Poland, including necessary amendments to functioning of the public administration, for the Government;
  • “Task Force for SME Development” (led by prof Huebner; 1993) which elaborated strategy for development of the sector of SMEs in Poland.
  • Member of the Supervisory Board of the Polish Foundation for Promotion and Development of the SMEs, including preparation and implementation of the selection process of the President of the Foundation.

Co-coordinator of assistance to regional development in Poland provided by most important donors in order to find synergy in undertaken activities and avoid overlapping of assistance.

Lectures and speeches on behalf of the Delegation of the European Commission in Poland at various international, national and regional conferences.